
Solut!on _


The livestock industry has been transformed from a small-scale cattle-growing environment such as utilizing work cattle or raising meat and milk cattle to an enterprise-class livestock industry with automated facilities. While the number of cattle farmers has decreased, due to increased consumption of meat, milk and dairy products, the number of cattle raised has increased significantly. About 1.5 billion cows are being raised worldwide, and about 3.5 million cows in Korea. Many of them are bred on a large scale in large areas such as India, Brazil, the United States, and Argentina. But species such as dairy cow breeds which have to be milked every day and Korean native cattle for which quality is considered important are managed in dense cattle sheds and are bred through artificial insemination.

As the livestock industry turns into an enterprise industry, the number of cattle to be managed by farmers has increased dramatically, also increasing the importance of experiencing livestock, such as cattle health conditions and estrus/delivery signs. Environmental management, feed/water supply, and cleaning of barns can be automated using automated facilities or agricultural machinery, but it is difficult to automate the identification of cattle conditions. In particular, as the cattle density inside the barn increases, it becomes difficult to manage the disease of the cattle, and if the disease cannot be checked on time, it is easily transmitted to other livestock in the barn, sometimes being exposed to the danger of slaughtering the entire farm. Farmpro’s livestock health care solution using IoT technology is here for solving these problems. The IoT solution of Farmpro is a solution that measures and analyzes the temperature and movement of cattles in real-time and provides key information such as the health condition of each cattles, symptoms of estrus and delivery, etc to farm owners as a smartphone notification function. Farm owners don’t have to walk around the barn to check the status of each livestock with their eyes anymore because smartphone apps can easily check the status of their livestock.

The smart artificial insemination solution that Farmpro provides can help significantly improve the fertilization rate when performing artificial insemination of livestock.


FarmPlusCare, a real-time livestock monitoring service, is a service that monitors the body temperature, and amount of activity of large livestock such as cattle in real-time to help manage their health.

It collects the body temperature, and amount of activity of cattles every 10 minutes using IoT Ear-Tag, and predicts the health of cattles, their estrus and delivery symptoms utilizing analysis algorithms based on big data to provide real-time notification to farmers.

  •   Checking the health status of cattle using real-time body temperature and activity information.
  •   Big data analysis and delivery with artificial intelligence technology. (PC or App)
  •   It has been demonstrated in various kinds of farms, especially suitable for managing large animals such as Hanwoo(Korean beef cattle), dairy cattles, and sows.
  •   More than 7 years of use with ultra-low power and high durability of dual bonded structures.


서비스구성도 모바일목업

LMS APP Service  _

The farm owner can receive notifications on his smartphone, visually check the status of the cattle on the farm, and take necessary actions. Checking the cattle's information, LMS server provides current body temperature and activity information and 7-day average information, and average value information of other cattles on the farm. Also, farmers can trace back the cattle’s information history and easily determine the health status of cattles by referring to the breeding environment, type and age of the cattles.

  On the LMS Web Service screen, you can view the individual information and health status of all cattle raised on the farm, and collectively manage the cattle's birthday, estrus, insemination, pregnancy, and delivery schedules.

  When detecting cattle’s body temperature, change in activity, or a symptom of estrus or parturition, the LMS server sends a real-time notification to the farm owner by push.

lms app service 목업



      소img 팜케어img

      Body Temperature _ 0.1℃
      Activity _ 0.244mg @ ±2g mode

      Ear-Tag _ 700m ~

      Battery Capacity _ 1650mA
      Power Consumption _ Average 30uA/h, 6 year

      TAG SIZE
      Main Body _ 41x51x22mm
      Cap _ 16x19 mm
      Inserter _ 5x28 mm

      FarmPro Solution with IoT  _

      팜프로iot솔루션 이미지

      Farmking, FARMPRO's smart artificial insemination solution, is the best solution for solving frequent artificial insemination failures while reducing the controversy over animal cruelty that occurs when performing rectal vaginal techniques using conventional devices. Traditional artificial insemination involves inserting a person's arm directly under his or her shoulder into the livestock's rectum to detect where the semen will be dropped only by the sensation of the fingertips. Livestock suffers a lot and there are many difficulties in finding the exact location. Complementing these challenges, the Farmpro's large animal smart artificial insemination device is equipped with an endoscopic camera at the end of the device to visually identify and inseminate observing livestock’s inner vagina through a mobile screen connected to the device. It makes fertilization much safer and cleaner than traditional methods and increases the likelihood of insemination. In addition, Farmpro's smart artificial insemination system can be easily used without experienced professionals. The temperature measuring device attached to the device measures livestock's body temperature before insemination to help prevent unnecessary insemination work.

        • 실패없는인공수정

        with No fail

        Real-time consultation with veterinarians through remote control and even beginners can use it.
        • 팜킹 + 팜플러스케어 Solution

        Farmking +
        FarmPlusCare Solution

        Increases farm income by
        maximizing productivity
        • 가축의 정확한 체온 측정

        Accurate body tempera-ture
        measurement of livestock

        Early detection of disease and increased conception rate
        • 동물복지 실현 및 고품질 육류 생산

        Fulfillment of Animal
        Welfare and Production
        of high-quality meat

        Reduces the number of artificial insemination that causes pain to animals and thereby inhibiting the use of hormones which leads to the fulfillment of animal welfare and the production of high-quality meat at the same time.
          Connect to phone and tablet PC to inseminate by the farmer himself while watching videos
          Real-time video communication with veterinarians: Sharing videos and body temperature information
          Automatically stored all information on the tablet: Checking livestock history

          Length 49cm * 16.4cm * 4.5cm
          Cylinder Inner Diameter 3.9cm
          Cyliner Length 39cm
      웹 모바일 목업
      When a smart artificial insemination device is connected to a Windows tablet, videos and real-time body temperature information from the insemination device camera are transmitted, and even if the farmer performs artificial insemination, this information can be stored on the video info server for future cattle health care.

      Solutions that can share artificial insemination videos and body temperature information remotely are provided by smartphone App and Web Services, which can be used to build remote health care solutions for livestock.